Art Room

If I ask you, what matters in the art that your child creates, what would you say? 

I hope you are going to say - “your child”.

Art can give us a voice, it can create a space of refuge. It trains our mind in interesting ways. I believe that art connects people with themselves, as well as with other people.

Most of us have a need to self-express but not all know how. Are you curious to learn different perspectives of looking at the world and (I hope it doesn’t sound too pompous) our place in it?

I teach mostly children, but grown-ups are welcome too.

Together we explore, experiment and collaborate, get excited about various ways to represent what we see, hear, know and imagine.

In addition, I offer masterclasses in gilding on glass, reverse painting and other techniques to create mirrors and glass pictures or panels.

And on top of that, I teach children to look at art and talk about it.